Email: dr.stelios.stavridis@gmail.com

Tel. (work): +34-976761485

Since December 2007, Dr. Stelios STAVRIDIS has been an ARAID Senior Research Fellow in the Research Unit on European and International Studies/ZEIS (previously, Research Unit on “Global Governance and the European Union”) of the University of Zaragoza in Spain.

Currently, he is also an Associate Senior Fellow at the Institute of International Economic Relations IDOS/IIER (Athens), and, co-founder and co-coordinator of the Grupo Permanente AECPA sobre Diplomacia(s) Plural(es): Diplomacia(s) Plural(es) (aecpa.es).

In the past he held a number of academic posts, including:

1991-1993: European Studies Course Co-ordinator, King's College London.

1993-2002: Lecturer in International Relations and European Politics, The University of Reading (Department of Politics and International Relations & The Graduate School of European and International Studies/GSEIS), including Jean Monnet Chair in European Political Studies 1995-2002 ("The International Dimension of European Integration" financed by the European Commission (Brussels)), and Director of the Centre for Euro-Mediterranean Studies, GSEIS 1995-2000.

2005-2007: Head of the Euro-Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Studies Unit, Institute of International Economic Relations, Athens.

As well as a number of Visiting Posts, including at:

Université Libre de Bruxelles

University of the Peloponnese

Sciences Po Bordeaux

Sciences Po Grenoble

Sciences Po Lyon

Sciences Po Rennes

Université Paris 8


UAB Barcelona

Plus, several post-doctoral fellowships/chairs, including:

2003 and again  2006: Mediterranean Chair, Universitat de Valencia.

2001-2002: Marie Curie Experienced Researcher Fellowship (Category 40), European Commission, held at ELIAMEP (Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy), Athens.

2000-2001: Jean Monnet Fellow, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS), European University Institute (EUI), Florence.

Recent publications include:

M. Velasco-Pufleau & S. Stavridis (2024) Diplomacia parlamentaria, política exterior populista y derechos humanos: la reacción del presidente López Obrador a la resolución del Parlamento Europeo de 2022Revista Española de Derecho Internacional 76(1): 225 255. DOI: https://doi.org/10.36151/REDI.76.1.8.

S. Stavridis (2023) The European Parliament, Russia and the War in Ukraine: R2P and beyond, Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law/Revue de Droit Parlementaire et Politique, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 725-744.

P. Lamoso González & S. Stavridis (2022) El Parlamento Europeo como tribuna moral internacional: el caso de Venezuela. Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals 131: 185-210.

S. Stavridis (2021) Parliamentary Diplomacy: A Review Article. International Journal of Parliamentary Studies 1(2): 227-269.

D. Schade & S. Stavridis (2021) Attendance at the Interparliamentary Conference on the CFSP/CSDP: Fostering the Emergence of a Parliamentary Epistemic Community in the EU? Journal of Common Market Studies 59 (5): 1195-1212.

S. Stavridis (2021) A "dark side" to French parliamentary diplomacy? Evidence from the Syrian and Ukrainian conflicts, Global Affairs 7 (2): 207-231.

A. Raimundo, S. Stavridis & C. Tsardanidis (2021) The Eurozone crisis’ impact: a de-Europeanization of Greek and Portuguese foreign policies? Journal of European Integration 43 (5): 535-550.

S. Stavridis & R. Havlovà (2019) “‘Civilian Power Europe’ and the Syrian Conflict”, European Foreign Affairs Review, Vol.24, No. 4, pp. 469–490.

Past publications include the following co-edited volumes and journal special issues:

E. Griglio and S. Stavridis (eds) (journal special issue) “Joint scrutiny of EU policies: the contribution of inter-parliamentary cooperation”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol.10, issue 3, pp. i-xviii + 1-213 (2018).

S. Stavridis and D. Jancic (eds) Parliamentary Diplomacy in European and Global Governance, Diplomatic Studies Series, BRILL NIJHOFF, Leiden/Boston, 387 pages (2017).

S. Stavridis and D. Irrera (eds) The European Parliament and its International Relations, Routledge, 304 pages (2015) Paperback edition (2016).

S. Stavridis and M. Gianniou (eds) (journal special issue) Parliamentary diplomacy in the Mediterranean”, Mediterranean Quarterly: a Journal of Global Issues, Vol. 27, No. 4, December, pp 2-148 (2016).

S. Stavridis and D. Jancic (eds) (journal double special issue) ´Parliamentary Diplomacy Uncovered: European and Global Perspectives´, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, Vol. 11, Nos. 2-3, Spring, pp 105-329 (2016).

S. Stavridis and D. Irrera (eds) The European Parliament and its International Relations, Routledge, 304 pages (2015) Paperback edition (2016).

S. Stavridis, C. Tsardanidis & G. Christou (eds) (journal special issue) Crisis and De-Europeanization, Études Hélleniques/Hellenic Studies 23 (1): 7-192 (2015).

O. Costa, C. Dri & S. Stavridis (eds) Parliamentary Dimensions of Regionalization and Globalization, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 270 pp (2013).   


(latest update: October 2024)